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BenchConfigurationGetConfigurationFiles Method

Lists the configuration files of the Bench environment.

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public ConfigurationFile[] GetConfigurationFiles(
	ConfigurationFileType type = ConfigurationFileType.All,
	bool actuallyLoaded = false,
	bool mustExist = true


type (Optional)
Type: Mastersign.BenchConfigurationFileType
The kind of files to list.
actuallyLoaded (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, only files which are actually loaded by this instance are listed.
mustExist (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, only existing files are listed; otherwise optional and non existing files are listed to.

Return Value

Type: ConfigurationFile
A list with configuration file descriptors.
See Also