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AppKeys Class

This static class contains constants for the IDs of apps directly known by the Bench system.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public static class AppKeys

The AppKeys type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberConEmu
The app ID of ConEmu.
Public fieldStatic memberGit
The app ID of Git.
Public fieldStatic memberInnoSetupUnpacker
The app ID of Inno Setup Unpacker.
Public fieldStatic memberLessMSI
The app ID of Less MSI.
Public fieldStatic memberNodeJS
The app ID of Node.js.
Public fieldStatic memberNotepadPlusPlus
The app ID of a pre-configured Notepad++ for editing Bench configuration files.
Public fieldStatic memberNuGet
The app ID of NuGet.
Public fieldStatic memberPython2
The app ID of Python 2.
Public fieldStatic memberPython3
The app ID of Python 3.
Public fieldStatic memberRuby
The app ID of Ruby.
Public fieldStatic memberRubyGems
The app ID of RubyGems.
Public fieldStatic memberSevenZip
The app ID of 7-Zip.
See Also