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BenchTasks Class

This class implements the core logic of Bench tasks. It is designed as a static class and acts hereby as kind of function library.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public static class BenchTasks

The BenchTasks type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIsDashboardSupported
Checks, whether the installed .NET framework has at least the version 4.5, and therefore supports the BenchDashboard user interface.
Public methodStatic memberAskForBenchCloneTargetDirectory
Shows a simple UI to ask for the target directory for a new Bench environment.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteAppLibraries
Deletes the loaded and cached app libraries in preparation for re-loading them for an update or a repair.
Public methodStatic memberDoAutoSetup
Runs the Bench task of automatically setting up all active apps including downloading missing resources, and setting up the environment afterwards.
Public methodStatic memberDoCleanUpAppResources
Runs the Bench task of deleting all cached app resources, not referenced by any app anymore. These app resources where typically downloaded before the definition of some apps where updated, now referencing to newer release versions.
Public methodStatic memberDoCloneBenchEnvironment
Creates a clone of a given Bench environment, including a specific selection of directories and files.
Public methodStatic memberDoDeleteAppResources(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of deleting all cached app resources.
Public methodStatic memberDoDeleteAppResources(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of deleting the cached app resource of a specific app.
Public methodStatic memberDoDownloadAllAppResources
Runs the Bench task of downloading the missing app resources of all apps known to Bench, whether tey are active or not.
Public methodStatic memberDoDownloadAppResources(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of downloading the missing app resources of all active apps.
Public methodStatic memberDoDownloadAppResources(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of downloading the missing app resource of a specific app.
Public methodStatic memberDoDownloadBenchUpdate
Runs the Bench task of downloading the latest Bench binary and bootstrap file.
Public methodStatic memberDoExportBenchEnvironment
Creates a transfer package of a given Bench environment, including a specific selection of directories and files.
Public methodStatic memberDoInstallApps(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of installing all active apps, not installed already.
Public methodStatic memberDoInstallApps(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of installing a specific app, including all of its dependencies.
Public methodStatic memberDoLoadAppLibraries
Runs the Bench task of downloading and extracting the app libraries.
Public methodStatic memberDoReinstallApps(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of uninstalling all installed apps and then installing all active apps.
Public methodStatic memberDoReinstallApps(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of uninstalling a specific app and all apps, depending on it, and then installing the specified app.
Public methodStatic memberDoSetupRequiredApps
Runs the Bench task of setting up only the apps, required of the Bench system itself.
Public methodStatic memberDoUninstallApps(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of uninstalling all installed apps.
Public methodStatic memberDoUninstallApps(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of uninstalling a specific app, including all apps, depending on the specified one.
Public methodStatic memberDoUpdateEnvironment
Runs the Bench task of setting up the environment, including the generation of env.cmd, (re)creating all launcher scripts and shortcuts, and running the custom environment scripts of all active apps.
Public methodStatic memberDoUpgradeApps(IBenchManager, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of upgrading all upgradable apps. An app is upgradable if CanUpgrade is true.
Public methodStatic memberDoUpgradeApps(IBenchManager, String, ActionTaskInfo, Cancelation)
Runs the Bench task of upgrading a specific app.
Public methodStatic memberDownloadFile
Downloads a file via HTTP(S).
Public methodStatic memberDownloadFileAsync
Downloads a file via HTTP(S) asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberDownloadString
Downloads a string via HTTP(S).
Public methodStatic memberDownloadStringAsync
Downloads a string via HTTP(S) asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberGetLatestVersion
Downloads the version number of the latest Bench release.
Public methodStatic memberGetLatestVersionAsync
Downloads the version number of the latest Bench release asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberInitializeDownloader
Creates a new instance of Downloader properly configured, according to the given Bench configuration.
Public methodStatic memberInitializeSiteConfiguration
This method is the first step for initializing or upgrading a Bench installation.
Public methodStatic memberInitializeUserConfiguration
This method is the last fourth for initializing or upgrading a Bench installation.
Public methodStatic memberInitiateInstallationBootstrap
Starts the boostrap script for (re)installing the Bench system. This requires the bench-install.bat and the to be stored in the Bench root directory.
Public methodStatic memberInstallBenchEnvironment
Copies all files from an extracted transfer package to a target directory and kicks-off the initialization.
Public methodStatic memberLaunchApp
Launches the launcher executable of the specified app.
Public fieldStatic memberUninstallBlacklist
A list with app IDs which will not be uninstalled during Bench tasks.
See Also