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MarkdownPropertyParser Class

This class parses Markdown files for configuration properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench.Markdown
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public class MarkdownPropertyParser

The MarkdownPropertyParser type exposes the following members.

Public methodMarkdownPropertyParser
Initializes a new instance of MarkdownPropertyParser.
Public propertyActivationCue
This regular expression is used to activate the property parsing. If this property is not null, the recognition of properties starts after a line matches this expression.
Public propertyCategoryCue
This regular expression is used to detect the beginning of a group category in the Markdown file. If this property is not null, and a line matches this expression, the current category is changed for all further property groups in the file.
Public propertyCollectGroupDocs
A switch to control, whether non-property lines are collected as the documentation for a group.
Public propertyCurrentGroupMetadata
Gets or sets a metadata object, which is going to be attached to every group, properties are recognized for.
Public propertyDeactivationCue
This regular expression is used to deactivate the property parsing. If this property is not null, the recognition of properties stops after a line matches this expression.
Public propertyGroupBeginCue
This regular expression is used to detect the beginning of a property group. Properties, which are detected before this expression matches a line, are stored as ungrouped properties. Properties, which are detected after this expression matches a line, are stored as group properties.
Public propertyGroupDocsBeginCue
This regular expression is used to detect the beginning of the documentation of a group. All lines, which are not recognized as properties or another cue, are collected as the documentation for the group.
Public propertyGroupDocsEndCue
This regular expression is used to detect the end of the documentation of a group. When this cue is triggered, the collected documentation is attached to all groups, which where detected by GroupBeginCue since the last GroupDocsBeginCue.
Public propertyGroupEndCue
This regular expression is used to detect the end of a property group. Properties, which are recognized after this expression matches a line, are stored as ungrouped properties.
Public propertyGroupPropertyTarget
Gets or sets the property target, where recognized grouoped properties are stored in.
Public propertyPropertyTarget
Gets or sets the target, where recognized ungrouped properties are stored in.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodParse(Stream)
Parses the data in the given stream as UTF8 encoded Markdown text and recognizes configuration properties.
Public methodParse(TextReader)
Parses the given text input and recognizes configuration properties.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
See Also