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IGroupedPropertySource Interface

This interface describes the capability of reading grouped properties. The properties are identified by a group and a name unique in this group.

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench.PropertyCollections
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public interface IGroupedPropertySource

The IGroupedPropertySource type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanGetGroupValue
Checks, whether this object can retrieve the value for the specified property, or not.
Public methodGetGroupCategory
Gets the category of the specified group, or null if the group has no category.
Public methodGetGroupDocumentation
Gets the documentation text, attached to the specified group, or null if the group has no documentation attached.
Public methodGetGroupMetadata
Gets the metadata object, attached to the specified group, or null if the group has no metadata attached.
Public methodGetGroupValue
Gets the value of the specified property.
See Also