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ResolvingPropertyCollection Class

This class is an extension of the PropertyCollection, which allows to register mutliple property resolver.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench.PropertyCollections
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public class ResolvingPropertyCollection : PropertyCollection

The ResolvingPropertyCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodResolvingPropertyCollection
Initializes a new instance of the ResolvingPropertyCollection class
Public propertyDefaultValueSource
The backup value source for ungrouped properties.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodAddResolver
Registers a number of property resolvers.
Public methodCanGetValue
Checks, whether this object can retrieve the value for the specified property, or not.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodClear
Deletes all properties in this collection.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodContainsValue
Checks, whether this collection contains the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBooleanValue(String)
Gets the value of a property as a boolean.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetBooleanValue(String, Boolean)
Gets the value of a property as a boolean, or a default value if the specified property does not exist or its value can not be properly converted.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInt32Value(String)
Gets the value of a property as an integer.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetInt32Value(String, Int32)
Gets the value of a property as an integer, or a default value if the specified property does not exist or its value can not be properly converted.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetRawValue
Gets the unresolved and untransformed value of a property in this collection, without looking up the property in DefaultValueSource.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetStringListValue(String)
Gets the value of a property as a string array.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetStringListValue(String, String)
Gets the value of a property as a string array, or a default value if the specified property does not exist or its value can not be properly converted.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetStringValue(String)
Gets the value of a property as a string.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetStringValue(String, String)
Gets the value of a property as a string, or a default value if the specified property does not exist or its value can not be properly converted.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(String)
Gets the value of the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodGetValue(String, Object)
Gets the value of the specified property, or a given default value, in case the specified property does not exist.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPropertyNames
Gets the names from all existing properties.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodResetValue
Resets the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Protected methodResolveValue
The implementation of ResolveValue(String, Object), calling all registered resolvers in the order they were registered.
(Overrides PropertyCollectionResolveValue(String, Object).)
Public methodSetValue(String, Boolean)
Sets a boolean value for the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodSetValue(String, Int32)
Sets an integer value for the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodSetValue(String, Object)
Sets the value of the specified property. If the property did exist until now, it is created.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodSetValue(String, String)
Sets a string value for the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodSetValue(String, String)
Sets a string array value for the specified property.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string represenation of this property collection.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
Public methodToString(Boolean)
Returns a string represenation of this property collection.
(Inherited from PropertyCollection.)
See Also