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IGroupedPropertyCollection Interface

This interface describes an object, which stores grouped properties. It is a combination of IGroupedPropertySource and IGroupedPropertyTarget.

Namespace:  Mastersign.Bench.PropertyCollections
Assembly:  BenchLib (in BenchLib.dll) Version: (
public interface IGroupedPropertyCollection : IGroupedPropertySource, 

The IGroupedPropertyCollection type exposes the following members.

Public methodCanGetGroupValue
Checks, whether this object can retrieve the value for the specified property, or not.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertySource.)
Public methodContainsGroup
Checks, whether this collection contains properties in the specified group.
Public methodContainsGroupValue
Checks, whether this collection contains the specified property in the specified group.
Public methodGetGroupCategory
Gets the category of the specified group, or null if the group has no category.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertySource.)
Public methodGetGroupDocumentation
Gets the documentation text, attached to the specified group, or null if the group has no documentation attached.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertySource.)
Public methodGetGroupMetadata
Gets the metadata object, attached to the specified group, or null if the group has no metadata attached.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertySource.)
Public methodGetGroupValue(String, String)
Gets the value of the specified property.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertySource.)
Public methodGetGroupValue(String, String, Object)
Gets the value of the specified property, or a given default value, in case the specified property does not exist.
Public methodGroups
Gets the groups in this collection.
Public methodGroupsByCategory
Gets all groups, marked with the specified category.
Public methodPropertyNames
Gets the property names in the specified group.
Public methodResetGroupValue
Resets the specified group property.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertyTarget.)
Public methodSetGroupCategory
Marks a group with a category.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertyTarget.)
Public methodSetGroupDocumentation
attaches documentation to a group.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertyTarget.)
Public methodSetGroupMetadata
Attaches a metadata object to a group.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertyTarget.)
Public methodSetGroupValue
Sets the value of the specified property. If the property did exist until now, it is created.
(Inherited from IGroupedPropertyTarget.)
See Also